JobAct® – Europe Social inclusion by social arts

Tool set Social Inclusion by Social Arts

As the result of the EU project, we developed a Tool Set about the adaption of Social Art in different European projects with disadvantaged people. The Tool Set consists of 3 parts and can be downloaded in the following languages:


What can you expect in the 3 parts of the Tool Set?

  • Tool Set part 1 – The education principle “Social Art”
    The Job Act method is an innovative method to help people in need overcome their difficult situations and find their way back in the labor market and society. In this first part of the Tool Set, we set a foundation for the adaption of social art as an education principle. The first crucial step is understanding the principle of Social Art. Second, the scientific view, based on approaches of empowerment, is presented and contrasted with our practical view of social art, to enable practitioners to understand the principle in depth and apply it. The central parameters for social art are also described: Space, time and provocation. We describe, how this principle can be used to empower persons in need and give and overview about the JobAct method that follows this aim with great success. After working through this chapter, readers shall be able to a) understand the principle and b) adapt it for their individual purposes in working with disadvantaged people.

  • Tool Set part 2 – Module Social Artist - Qualification, frame conditions and trouble shooting
    To successfully work with the JobAct principle, trainers need specific competencies and knowledge. Thus, the aim of the second part of the tool set is to provide the crucial target group of practitioners who want to use the principle with the required skills: 1. Qualification requirements of the social artists: Practitioners who want to conduct theater projects should be able to handle difficult situations and empower people with various problems. Besides, they also need a deep understanding of art and its potentials. 2. Frame conditions: To ensure success of adapting the principle the framework has to be considered carefully. Therefore, this part provides information about the main potential obstacles and solutions to overcome them. 3. Trouble shooting: Because the approach doesn’t provide a fixed method, but techniques and skills to adapt it to specific purposes, it is possible that the users will face unexpected problems on his way. Therefore, this part shows how to solve them.

  • Tool Set part 3 – Getting on stage – target groups, exercises, JobAct adaptions
    The third part with its own toolset is the heart of our project results and provides the reader with practical exercises in social art, recommendations on what to consider when working with different target groups. It starts with hints of how to get different groups of participants to open up to theatre methods. To enable a holistic effect of social art, we have developed a special system that reflects the respective effects of the exercises on the users, based on the experiences during the project. The division of the practical exercises in the toolset is based on the developed system. To enable broad suability, every exercise comes with an overview of their requirements, aims and restrictions. After working through this part of the Tool Set, the readers should be able to conduct theatre projects with disadvantaged persons and adapt the approach to their specific purposes.


For audio-visual support of the Tool Set and for a better understanding of our project results we have created a short film that show the principle in action. Especially in a project like JobAct Europe, which works with theatre methods, the film is of great importance, because artistic processes and results cannot be presented exclusively in written form. For this reason, the film shows excerpts from our everyday project work, interviews with our partners and trainers, shows the experiences of our participants in the pilot projects and the scientific view on the topic. It gives a glimpse on the perspectives in Italy, France, Hungary and Germany. The film sheds light on our project and its results from different perspectives and gives viewers an impressive idea of how social art works in practice in its various adaptions in the different countries.

End-off JobAct Europe

Erasmus+ “JobAct Europe - Social inclusion by social arts” goes to the end. On the 1st and 2nd of October the eight organisations from four countries met for the last time having an transnational meeting

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Multiplier event in Paris

Social art to tackle inclusion in Europe: a challenge successfully met

Published by CAMILLE LORPIN on 05.11.2019

On Wednesday 16th October, JobAct Europe team has presented the project results at the pedagogical restaurant of Apprentis d’Auteuil. The host for the evening, Charles Dumas from l'Académie des Arts in Apprentis d’Auteuil, has thanked his guests, educative sector stakeholders interested in art practices.

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Transnational meeting of JobAct® Europe in Florence on 13th & 14th June, 2019

c/o Vivaio per l’Intraprendenza

Premises: MIP Murate Idea Park, Sala Pasquini (Vetrate) - Piazza Madonna della Neve.

Alle Künste tragen bei zur größten aller Künste: der Lebenskünst.
“All artforms are in the service of the greatest of all arts: the art of living.”

During the Meeting we had the opportunity to update all partners on the national pilot projects. We met with the coordinator of the Inclusion Unit of the Municipality of Prato, Noemi Imprescia and Andrea Benedettini.

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Fourth and last Train the Trainer of JobAct Europe in Witten from 28st May – 01st June 2019

International training series completed – The last five days of learning and intercultural exchange

Once again participants from Hungary, France, Italy and Germany came together for the JobAct Europe training series, which is now officially finished.

The last training took place in Projektfabrik in Witten and was under the topic of Georg Büchner, a German writer and revolutionary. As the examination of Büchner's works is this year’s focal point in the Projektfabrik and he was considered one of the most important literary figures of his time in Germany, this time all the workshops and exercises were based on his work.

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Third international Train the Trainer of JobAct Europe in Budapest from 15st – 19st April 2019

Successful Train the Trainer series continues in Budapest: Versatile methodology teaching in intercultural workshops.

After the first two trainings took place with great success in Turin and Paris, the series continued from 15st – 19st April 2019 in Budapest, Hungary. Again, numerous committed theatre trainers and social workers from Hungary, Italy, France and Germany came together to learn methods of social art for social inclusion.

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Transnational meeting of JobAct® Europe in Paris on 14th & 15th March 2019

Parallel to our Train the Trainer program another transnational partner meeting in Paris took place. The partners from Italy, Hungary, Germany and France met in the premises of Apprentice d’Auteuil.

In the library of the Academy of Arts the partners together worked on the dissemination plans and concept for the project results. Inspired by an Erasmus+ workshop we mapped out the changes we aim at and the problems that have to be overcome before and how we can help each other to get there. Read more


Second international Train the Trainer of JobAct Europe in Paris from 11st – 15st March 2019

Singing, dancing and rapping for social inclusion: second international Train-the-Trainer as a step for successful intercultural exchange

After the success of the first JobAct Europe Train the Trainer starting event in Turin, Italy, the second Train the Trainer took place in Paris, France, from 11th to 15th of March 2019. Also, this time the great engagement of all participants from France, Italy, Hungary and Germany was impressive and showed again, how creative transnational teaching and learning can be carried out.

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First Italian Multiplier event in Turin at 4th of February 2019

At 4th of February 2019 the first Italian Multiplier event took place in Turin, hosted by Patchanka.

The many guests from job agencies, actual und possible funding institutions and other potential supporters, were introduced to the project and to the original JobAct method from Germany by Beáta Nagy and Martin Kreidt from Projektfabrik. Read more


Train the Trainer of JobAct® Europe in Turin from 1st – 5th February, 2019

With Romeo und Juliet back to the Job market – First Train the Trainer program started with success in Turin

The first international theatre training of the four-part series “Train the Trainers” took place from 01/02 – 05/02/2019 in Turin, Italy. In 5 days participants from Italy, France, Hungary and Germany were taught methods of social art for social inclusion practically and theoretically. Read more


Transnational meeting of JobAct® Europe in Budapest on 10th & 11th November, 2018

On 10th and 11th November, 2018 the project partners from Italy, Germany, Hungary and France of the EU-funded project JobAct Europe - Social inclusion by social arts met for the third transnational meeting in Budapest.

Besides the mutual presentation of the current status of the various projects the time was used for further organization, discussion of the concept of Social Art and theatre exercises. Read more


Transnational meeting of JobAct® Europe in Paris
on 10th & 11th June, 2018

On 10th and 11th June, 2018 the various project partners from Italy, France, Hungary and Germany met up again, this time in Paris, hosted by CUTS.

During these two days, 19 people from 4 different countries and 8 different organizations were able to spend a productive and insightful time together. Read more


Transnational meeting of JobAct® Europe in Turin
on 2nd & 3rd March, 2018

On 2nd and 3rd March, 2018 the project partners of JobAct® Europe from France, Hungary, Italy and Germany met in Turin with the aim to share experiences of the project work and to start mutual learning and discussion in the transnational working groups.

Each meeting day started powerfully with a theatre training “ JobAct®in Practice” led by Projektfabrik and was followed by lively discussions, short film screenings and impressive success stories from the already conducted pilot projects. Read more

WAZ Bild Thomas Nitsche


A push for social inclusion!

EU-projekt JobAct® Europe has started

Under the shared goal of strengthening the labor market position of disadvantaged groups – partners from Italy, France, Hungary and Germany came together in the EU-project JobAct® Europe.

Scientifically supported by sfs, refugees, NEETs and unemployed youths are accompanied on their way into the labor market through a combination of drama work and job training. Read more

JobAct® Europe – social inclusion by social art

With joy we are able to announce, that our project “JobAct® Europe – social inclusion by social art” got approved within the program Erasmus+ Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices, Strategic Partnerships for adult education.

October 2017 we will start a 26 months project with seven partners from four countries.

Our partners are:


Technical University Dortmund