Transfer Partner

Patchanka s.c.s.

Patchanka believes that people and the quality of their work are the strength of any organization. We are designated to create work opportunities, and even more important, to create social inclusion, personal growth, human exchange and interaction through work.

PATCHANKA is a non-profit social cooperative enterprise of type B based in Turin (Italy). It was established in 2012 by a young group of social entrepreneurs. We operate in the following business areas: social fashion, food services, HR work services for individuals and enterprises, multiple services for organizations and individuals.
We launched Casa del Lavoro in 2016, a private Labor Agency aiming to support unemployed people and companies in search of employes. We particularly focus on the inclusion of people with special needs in the challenging labor market of today.
We develope group workshops and processes of empowerment, through informal and non-formal education, using performing arts and innovative methods, such as Coseeking.


Vivaio per l’Intraprendenza ASP promotes the entrepreneurial mind set and fosters the creation and the development of successful start-ups by women, youth and migrants.

Vivaio per l'Intraprendenza aims at:

  • promoting self-employment and self-entrepreneurship among women, youth and migrants through information, guidance, training, consultancy and networking activities;
  • supporting the local economic development and social inclusion through the creation and the development of micro and small enterprises and self-employment;
  • providing associated entrepreneurs with networking initiatives and advice and consultancy to develop and strengthen their business;
  • developing the entrepreneurial mind set with young people planning projects fostering Innovation and Entrepreneurship, in partnership with the education / training / research system;
  • promoting networking initiatives among people and institutions at local, national and international level, aimed at the employment growth and local economic development.

Vivaio per l’Intraprendenza is main partner of the Business Start Up Network, promoting business start up and self employment at European level. Within this network Vivaio is administrating the “Networking Women Entrepreneurs International” group on