French Pilot Projects

Please visit also the websites of this pilot project and our french partner:

Fondation d'Auteuil, Paris

Académie des Arts

The Academy of Art - Académie des Arts - in Paris, funded by the European social fund and private donations, is a school project for drop-out pupils.

The aim of this three-year project is to help those pupils to get a vision or rather a purpose to their lives and give them (back) a certain thirst for knowledge. Currently four teachers are educating the elven boys (twelve to fifteen years old) in the topics Math, History, Language and Literature. The specific of this project is the link between common lesson content and art. Two teachers each are educating as a team in combinations like ‘Mathematics/Music’, ‘Literature/Movies’ or ‘Language/Theatre’. The Academy of Art is cooperating with a local middle school and does not only get to use a classroom but acquires the participants by the registration of this cooperating school.

It can be concluded, that all parties profit from the approach. For the participants there are different benefits by now, apart from the general benefit of getting back to school, they are communicating more with each other and their parents, or explore new hobbies like writing poems. Furthermore, the teachers are getting their benefits from educating the participants too. They have to work with a group of children who quitted school and sometimes are dyslexic or hyperactive as well and get calmer and more concentrated in the process.

There are also activities outside school, even a trip abroad. In a ten-day trip to Quebec, Canada, the participants took part in some networking activities with professionals to help them to connect to the labour market. This trip helped the group to solve inner conflicts like racism. The next step is a trip to Congo, to record an album there with children on the street and the pupils in the group.